Janine’s personal health journey

A little about Janine’s journey


If there was a real life ‘Been there, Seen it, Done it’ T shirt shop, it’s likely I would have every size, shape and colour available in stock and written a few new slogans, if they were short of ideas.

I’ve lived all over the place and had all different kinds of lives

Prior to training to be a Holistic Health Coach and Therapist almost 15 years ago, I left school at 16 and went to work as a bank clerk with many of my friends. I actually wanted to study drama at college, but I was nervous I wouldn’t get the grades, so took a job before the results came out. I got a Grade A in Drama and Theatre Studies, by the way, but I had no faith in myself then, so never saw it through.

I lived in Germany for a while in my early 20’s, came back to the UK and went in to advertising, then worked as an international event manager for 10 years before having children.

I’ve lived all over the place and had all different kinds of lives.

Valuing myself

I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t whole. I was constantly searching for something to make me happy, but nothing ever did. My weight went up and down all the time. I had depression, anxiety and battled with being a borderline alcoholic and cigarette smoker for many, many years of my life. And had a number of very unhealthy relationships, to boot.

All because I was searching for something to make myself happy.

Feeling happy and whole isn’t something you find outside of yourself. It’s you. It’s in you. When I realised that, my life changed. It took time for the penny to drop. To be comfortable being me. To know me. To trust me. To want to have the biggest life possible. The only way was to be friends with me. To like me. To cherish me. To want to be the best me. To do it every day. All the time.

That’s not selfish. That is living the biggest life for you, for your friends, for your family. If you are not the best version of yourself, it’s just half a life….

I trained as a massage therapist almost 15 years ago and a personal trainer and holistic health coach 7 years ago. I have a passion for empowering women to lead fulfilling lives, and it’s awesome.


Janine’s Credentials
  • Holistic Health Coach
  • Personal Trainer
  • Nutritional Adviser
  • Pilates Teacher
  • Meditation Teacher
  • Aromatherapist
  • Colour Therapy Teacher
  • Massage Therapist
  • Crystal Therapist

Oh, and I’m a Mama. I don’t have a certificate for that. But that is my favourite job.

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