Ethos and policies

Ethical policy

Wherever possible, organic essential oils and carrier oils are used. All of the ingredients are vegan and plant based. They are sourced through reputable, established UK organisations that have firm ethical and fair trade policies in place. I support renewable resources and all products will have been sourced from sustainable sources. No products will have been tested on animals.


Light Harmony Holistic Therapy is committed to recycling and reusing, but will safeguard health and hygiene at all times. Of course, fresh towels and disposable covers (where applicable) are used for each new client.


Any information given by a Client during a consultation, treatment or at any other time is treated with the utmost confidentiality. Contact details are never passed on to a third party. Client records are kept for 7 years (as per Government guidelines) and are then destroyed carefully.


To create a therapeutic, safe and nurturing environment Light Harmony Holistic Therapy is a female client only practice but with established clients partners and husbands welcomed for treatments also.